IoT Adventure Awards 2018

IoT adventure awards 2019


IoT Adventure Awards 2018 celebrates and recognizes the most innovative solutions and startups. The competition is part of IoT Adventure Forum 2018 and will award the most impactful projects in five categories.

The IoT Adventure Awards are eligible for organisations, implementing IoT projects, companies, developing innovative IoT solutions for consumers and startups working in the field of IoT and developing IoT solutions.

Five categories for the Iot Adventure Awards:

  • Smart City. This category focuses on innovative projects, implemented in cities and municipalities all around the country. It aims to improve citizen’s life through the use of technology. The evaluators will look for a demonstration of the benefits to the citizens as a result of the project implementation. E.g. technologically advanced public transportation projects, smart streetlights or improvements to the power grid.
  • IoT for Business. This category focuses on successful implementations of IoT solutions and projects in industry. The evaluators will look for a demonstration of the benefits of the implementations and improved business indicators.
  • Consumer IoT. This category focuses on revolutionizing products and solutions, developed for the end users. E.g. smart home devices, gadgets, wearables, etc.
  • IoT Startup. This category recognizes the most innovative start-up. The evaluators will look also for a market strategy, developed by the start-up.
  • IoT for Society. A special prize that recognizes the most impactful IoT project with significant contribution to the society

Submissions will stay open until 18:00 of April 20, 2018. The applicants could register their projects/solutions/startups here. An Advisory Board consisting of IoT influencers and prominent experts will evaluate the applications. Winners will be announced at the Award Ceremony of the IoT Adventure Forum 2018.

IoT Adventure Forum 2018 brings together early adopters, seasoned traditional businesses, start-ups, explorers, developers and IoT strategists eager to discover the potential of the connected world and exchange best practices and knowledge. You can find more about the organizers here

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